Under the auspices of our national foundation, AAFA is involved in supporting important research.
The Asthma and Allergy of Foundation of America is the only patient organization in the United States that funds research grants for both asthma and allergic diseases.
AAFA‘s Investigator Research Grant Awards help to fund basic science researchers to enhance the overall understanding of asthma and allergic diseases, develop improved treatments to manage these diseases and to help search for cures.
NEW!AAFA‘s Fellowship / New Faculty Research Grant Program is a two-year award to support research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. The goals of the fellowship are to support advanced training in allergy and immunology, and promote research leading to an understanding of:
- Why the early life experiences of an unfortunate few lead to allergies to otherwise harmless foods and airborne substances, while the majority somehow learn to tolerate these substances.
- What influence viral and bacterial respiratory infections have during the pre-school years on the development of asthma.
AAFA also conducts Social Research to better understand consumer and patient awareness, knowledge, preferences and behaviors related to asthma and allergy prevention and treatment.
For more than 25 years, AAFA has enabled scientists to continue vital research through its unique grant programs. AAFA‘s Investigator Research Grant Award has helped researchers to leverage more than $20 million in funding for research in asthma and allergic diseases. Approximately 80 percent of the researchers funded by AAFA are able to successfully compete for subsequent, long-term funding from NIH and other national research centers.
* At this time, the application process for the AAFA Investigator Grant is through an NIH referral system.