Date: 10/9/02
(Day the sample was read after 24 hour exposure)Weather:
Total Pollen 7 grs./cubic meter
Predominant Pollens: Ragweed
Pollen count by intermitten Rotorod Group Number Range Trees – N/A Grass 1 Low Weeds 6 Low Ragweed 4 Low Molds 1000-5000 Moderate Unidentified – N/A Update Pollen Count (administrator only)
Ragweed pollen count is included in the weed pollen measurement.
This data is provided as a public health service by Drs. Golden & Matz, LLC.
Pollen Ranges Trees: 0-15 Low Grass: 0-5 Low Weeds: 0-10 Low 16-90 Moderate 6-20 Moderate 11-50 Moderate 91-1500 High 21-200 High 51-500 High >1500 Very High >200 Very High >500 Very High The map and chart below indicate high pollen count months for selected Trees, Grasses and Weeds.
Trees – Months (Feb-Sept) Red Ceder -FMA Hazelnut -MA Elm -MA Alder -MA Aspen/Poplar MA Box Elder -AM Maple -MAM Birch -AM Barberry -MAMJ Ash AM Mulberry -MAMJ Willow MAMJ Sycamore -AM Beech -May Oak -AMJ Hickory -May Walnut May
Grasses -May-Aug
Weeds Sorrel -MJ Plantain – MJJAS Nettle – JJA Hemp – JJA Ragweed – July Sage – JAS Amaranth – JAS
Map and data provided by The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
and W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.