The chapter BreathingEasier® newsletter has been an ongoing resource for patients and caregivers providing helpful information and updates about treatments, research, events and educational seminars. Historically, it has been published between two and four times a year.
AAFA MD-Greater DC Chapter continually seeks newsletter sponsors. Corporations, civic groups or individuals are encouraged to consider sponsorship of an issue. For details, please call 410-484-2054 or email the chapter.
Current Newsletter
Sample Past Issues
Sign-Up for the BreathingEasier® Newsletter
Help us Go Green
We ask your help in our effort to ‘go green.’ If you are interested in receiving the newsletter via email, please email your request to [email protected] or fill out the form below we will begin delivering your issue via email. Bulk copy orders will continue to be mailed to libraries, schools, daycares and physician offices.
Sign-up form coming soon!
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