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Class:  Asthma & Allergy Essentials for Child Care Providers?

Saturday, June 19, 2004

9 a.m. to 12 noon

   $10 (Make Checks Payable to: 
AAFA-MD and send to AAFA-MD
1777 Reisterstown Rd, Ste 290
Baltimore, MD  21208

Location:   Montgomery County Resource Center, All Purpose Room
                 332 W. Edmonston Drive
                 Rockville, MD  20852

CEU?S:       Yes, 3 CEU credits approved by CCA under HSN.

Questions:  Call Barbara Wheeler, 410-653-2880, ext 17

Last Name                                        MI       First Name

Preferred Mailing Address

City                                              State        Zip                        Country

Daytime Phone                                  Fax Number

E-Mail Address                                                    Business E-Mail Address

Registration Fee…………………………………………………………………………… $10.00

                                                                      Total Amount Enclosed    $

For Credit Card Registrations       
Visa     Mastercard
Card Number                                                       Expiration Date

Name as it appears on card

If submitting online you will receive a confirmation E-Mail within 5 days. If you do not then please let us know at [email protected]