The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Maryland -Greater Washington, D.C. Chapter, is a local, non-profit voluntary health organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for asthma and allergy sufferers and committed to eradicating these serious diseases. The Foundation is the only health agency in the Maryland-Greater Washington, D.C. area exclusively dedicated to fighting asthma and allergic diseases. It is a volunteer-driven organization. From staffing health fairs, to providing asthma care training and developing support groups, to making presentations to schools, industry, government and community organizations and organizing fundraising events, volunteers are AAFA MD-DC. We are here to help you manage your asthma and allergies.
Our Board of Trustees is comprised of a variety of dedicated volunteers: physicians, pharmacists, registered nurses, legal counsel, business executives, certified public accountants as well as asthma and allergy sufferers and/or parents of children who know first-hand how frightening an asthma attack can be, especially for a child.
Winter Asthma and Allergy Tips November 2002 Expansion of Community Education Programs October/November, 2002 Update on Influenza Vaccinations Join AAFA MD-DC
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Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America Maryland-Greater Washington, D.C. Chapter
1777 Reisterstown Road, Ste. 370
Baltimore, MD 21208
Phone: (410) 653-2880 ~ FAX: (410) 653-9611
Toll Free: 800-727-9333
Hours: Mon. through Fri., 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Email: [email protected]
About AAFA | Calendar of Events | Services & Education | Membership | Q&A’s | Resources | Giving Opportunities Please feel free to send us feedback or ask questions any time:
[email protected]
The information, links, and articles on this web site do not intend to replace consultation between patient and physician. We will not be held responsible for any action taken by the viewer as a result of the interpretation of any information. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision.