1997 Annual Report
Photo by Joe Kemp
Chester Building, Suite 321
8600 LaSalle Road
Towson, Maryland 21286
Message From The Chairman of The Board
In 1997, AAFA Maryland continued to expand its efforts to bring information to asthma and allergy sufferers and the Maryland community, most notable in an improved newsletter. BreathingEasier combines our two previous newsletters to bring both understandable information about management of asthma and allergies and news about the chapter’s activities. We believe that BreathingEasier contains news about recent developments in diagnosis and treatment that every involved person will want.
At the same time the Chapter is now on-line at www.aafa-md.org, and hopes to expand the ready availability of information important to sufferers of asthma and allergy.
Philip S. Norman, M.D.
Chairman of the Board
1997 Poster Child
Suzanne Rose Houle, 7th grade student at St. Mark’s School in Prince George’s County, was elected as the Chapter’s 1997 Poster Child. Suzanne began her year as Poster Child at an official ceremony on Asthma Awareness Day. Suzanne loves to play sports and is an accomplished figure skater.
Public Education
Asthma Care Training: AAFA-MD continued to offer this effective program to children and families as a tool in the management of asthma and allergic disease. Programs in Frederick County, Howard County and Baltimore County provided opportunities for families to receive education for their asthma management.
Health Fairs: AAFA-MD reached thousands of individuals at health fairs and speaker functions. Volunteers performed lung function screenings and distributed educational materials on asthma and allergic diseases.
Child Care Provider Course: Licensed, child care providers in Prince George’s County attended this three-hour course conducted by Susan King, R.N. This course offered an opportunity for providers to receive practical knowledge in the care of children with asthma and allergies. Presently the course is being upgraded to meet the 1997 NHLBI Guidelines for Asthma Management and will be made available in early 1998 for continued education and training throughout the United States.
Asthma Awareness Day: AAFA-MD sponsored its first Asthma Awareness Day. This program included a day of educational seminars and activities for adults and children. Rod Daniels, Senior News Anchor, WBAL-TV, served as Keynote Speaker and Honorary Chairperson of this successful event.
Continuing Professional Education
AAFA-MD, once again, supported continuing medical education programs. This service provided up-to-date information to healthcare professionals on developments in the treatment and management of their patients. This year’s programs included:
Twelfth Annual Conference on Frontiers in Research and Clinical Management of Asthma and Allergy “from bench to bedside.” AAFA-MD and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Divisions of Allergy and Immunology and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, jointly sponsored this three-day conference. This program focused on state-of-the-art advances in the molecular biology of allergic disease, new approaches to immunomodulation and discussion of rational pharmacotherapy with an emphasis on newly-approved therapeutic agents.
Seventh Annual Symposium: The Genetics of Asthma and Atopic Disease. This course highlighted data from the fields of human genome research, genetic and mechanistic research in asthma and allergic diseases, and recent advances in gene therapy.
Services and Support
Patient Assistance: In 1997, AAFA-Maryland continued to offer assistance to families, individuals and schools with the acquisition of a variety of supplies related to asthma and allergy management and education. We increased our efforts to obtain donations of used air conditioners in working order. This program was a great success with 28 units being distributed to persons with asthma and allergies.
Educational Support Groups: AAFA-MD sponsored educational support groups around the state including Baltimore City, Baltimore, Calvert, Carroll, Harford, Howard, Montgomery and St. Mary’s Counties. The Maryland Food Allergy and Asthma Network based in Howard County was newly formed this year. This Support Group was created to meet the needs of parents who have children with food allergies as well as food allergic teens and adults. The adolescent group, held at the Johns Hopkins Childrens House, continued to grow.
Camp Scholarships: AAFA-MD sponsored children to attend Camp Holiday Trails, a camp for children with special needs. This year thirteen children were awarded scholarships, giving them the opportunity to experience a wonderful camp program that integrates asthma and allergy care with traditional care activities. The Camp Scholarship Program was funded in part through the generosity of the Ladies of the Elks #2266, the BPO Elks of Glen Burnie #2266, the Kappa Guild and the Associates to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
College Scholarships: Four Maryland teens were awarded scholarships to the college of their choice through AAFA-MD’s first annual college scholarship program. This program will continue in 1998.
BreathingEasier Newsletter: AAFA-MD redeveloped its member newsletter to even more effectively inform the public on asthma and allergy management and control.
Asthma Autos: An ongoing funding source for AAFA-MD continues to be the vehicle campaign. The Foundation accepts donations of cars, boats, RVs and motorcycles to help fund our very important patient services and educational programs. Removing older vehicles in need of repair from the roads also improves the air quality for people with asthma and allergy and all Marylanders.
Morris Meadows Recreational Farm: Campers at Morris Meadows Recreational Farm collected aluminum cans to benefit the AAFA-MD Camp Scholarship Program. These funds were used to sponsor children to attend Camp Holiday Trails in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Heritage Players: With the help of former Poster Child, Katie Ostrosky, the Heritage Players donated a portion of the proceeds from their production of Oklahoma to AAFA-MD. Katie was one of the stars of this production.
Employee Giving Campaigns: As a member of the Combined Health Agencies of Maryland, Inc. (CHA), AAFA-MD participated in Employee Giving Campaigns throughout the State of Maryland. The generosity of Marylanders provided support for the Chapter’s programs and services.
Moscow State Ballet: AAFA-MD sponsored an afternoon at the ballet on December 8 to raise funds for children to attend Camp Holiday Trails. Supporters attended the Moscow State Ballet’s performance of the “Russian Nutcracker” at the Morris A. Mechanic Theatre in Baltimore. AAFA-MD would like to thank all the people who supported the camp program through their donations and by purchasing ballet tickets.
Awards and Recognition
Volunteers: The Foundation held its annual Volunteer Reception at the Philip S. Norman Library at the Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center honoring its many dedicated volunteers. Charles Mihalik, R.Ph., writer of the “Dear Doctor” column in AAFA-MD’s BreathingEasier newsletter and active volunteer, was awarded the Mary Ann Waters’ Volunteer of the Year Award for his outstanding service to the Foundation. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees’ Vice-President, Cynthia Wyatt, received the President’s Award for her continued volunteer efforts.
Thomas E. Van Metre, Jr., M.D., Distinguished Physician’s Award: Robert A. Wood, M.D., noted allergist, as well as long-time supporter and volunteer of AAFA-MD, received the first annual Thomas E. Van Metre, Jr., M.D., Distinguished Physician’s Award.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Maryland Chapter, would like to extend its thanks to all those who have served and supported the Chapter as it works to fulfill its mission.
Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America
Maryland Chapter
Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Philip S. Norman, M.D.
Chairman of the Board
Honorable Thomas E. Noel
Cynthia Wyatt
Simpson Gardyn, CPA
Linda Borschuk
Leigh R. Abts, Ph.D. |
Sean O’Brien, M.D. |
Honorary Board Members Hugh Daly |
Medical Advisory Council Baruch Friedman, M.D. |