Please note that credit card transactions on the Internet are not secure.To keep our overhead down so that more of our money can go for asthma research we DO NOT offer a secure web site. Though we will take every precaution we can to guard your credit card number we can not guarantee it’s security. We urge you instead to phone in all credit card orders and donations or print out this form and mail it to us.
Would you like to receive additional information, become a donor of AAFA MD-DC or place an order?
I am interested in information on:
Physician referrals
Support Groups in my area
Volunteering to form a Support Group
Asthma Care Training
Asthma and /or Allergies
I want to become a donor for the following amount.
I would like to order or receive information on:
Adult asthma
Asthma and Allergy patient brochures
Taming Asthma and Allergy by Controlling Your
Peak Flow Meter
You Can Control Asthma “Child” @ $5.50 each
You Can Control Asthma “Family” @ $5.50 each
You Can Control Asthma “(Both of above) @ $9.00 for set
You Can Control Asthma “Child” @ $5.50 each Spanish
You Can Control Asthma “Family” @ $5.50 each Spanish
You Can Control Asthma (Both of above) @ $9.00 for set Spanish
Student Asthma Action Card
Asthma Care Training for Kids
Meeting-in-a-Box #1 $60
Meeting-in-a-Box #2 $60
Meeting-in-a-Box #3 $60
Meeting-in-a-Box #4 $60
Meeting-in-a-Box #5 $95
Living with Asthma & Allergies Series Allergy Basics @ $1.50 each
Asthma Basics @ $1.50 each
Exercise and Asthma @ 1.50 each
Seasonal Allergies @ $1.50 each
Unproven Methods in Diagnosing & Treating Allergies @ $1.50 each
Household Allergies @ $1.50 each
One Minute Asthma – What you Need to Know @ $3.00 each
One Minute Asthma – What you Need to Know @ $3.00 each Spanish
** Name:
** Address:
** City:
** State:
** Zip Code:
** Email:
* Home Phone:
* Work Phone:
* Required to process an order.
** Required to process your request over the Internet.For all orders we will contact you immediately with the total amount due AAFA MD-DC.
For your convenience, we accept MasterCard, Visa or personal check. Please make your check payable to AAFA MD. Your gift is tax deductible.Please note that credit card transactions on the Internet are not secure. If you do not wish to transmit your credit card information over the Internet please print this form and mail it with payment to: Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Maryland-Greater Washington, D.C. Chapter, 1777 Reisterstown Road, Suite 370, Baltimore, MD 21208 (410)653-2880
Thank you for Supporting AAFA MD-DC!
Check payable to AAFA-MD
Account Number:
Expiration Date: